I love German. The language and the country.
I actually chose to learn German in school c: German, Spanish or French. So I chose German.
Its Ok. Its not bad, but we don`t learn that much and some of the students in our class are the most shitty and stupid persons that you would ever hear about. But some are nice c: Stories from the lessons are coming. Promise.
My homework for tomorrow :
Ich liebe Weihnachten.
Ich liebe
Weihnachten, weil meine Familie ist zusammen. Zusammen spielen wir Spiele und gehen
Ich treffe nur
meine Vetter zwei Mal jedes Jahr. Wir feiern Weihnachten Zuhause bei ihnen. Sie
wohnen in Karlshamn, eine kleine Stadt in Schweden. Wir spielen Computer spiele und Musik Hören. Meine Tante ist ein guter Koch. Wir essen
immer Dansk Essen von Weihnachten, weil sie ist dänisch. Truthahn und suppe.
Wir feiern das Weihnachten mit kleine Schmuck, aber mit Licht. Licht überall.
I love Christmas.
I love Christmas, because my family is together. We
play games together and go skiing.
I only get to meet my cousins 2 times a year. We celebrate
in their house every year. They live in Karlshamn, a small town in Sweden. We play pc games together and listen to music. My aunt is a very good chef. We eat
Danish Christmas food, because she is from Denmark. Turkey and soup.
We don`t celebrate with a lot of garnish, just
lights. Lights everywhere.
I know the text is very simple, but I am not from German. I have learned this in less than a half semester. Thank you :P
Please comment in German, English, Swedish or Norwegian. Share to social media or tell your friend about this blog, if you want to, though.
Yes, I am going to make an advent calendar, but not today. Tomorrow, or before 5.
//Luna♥♥Stay Tuned
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