Monday, 7 January 2013

Our evolution have stopped D`:

Do you ever feel dumb? You should.
The world contains a lot of smart brains, also young brains.
This is a video, watch it.

Here is another:

Before you read: I say a lot of "smart people" and "smarties" in this text, I actually mean more  like a "super genius". K?

Do you know what? Our evolution have stopped.
We don`t get smarter... before [Just about 50 years ago] all the smarties were popular and the smarties got a lots of children. Now is different, the dumb people get more children than the smarties. When few smart people get born, the numbers of smart people in the next generation are less, but yes, some smarties get born in families with no education. Actually many "smarties" gets pushed the the ground and can`t continue to be `smart`. Many is bullied, many are afraid of getting bullied for just answering in a class.  Remember this is my opinion!. It `s not good/ attractive to be smart anymore on the same level than before. We don`t get smarter, but not dumber. Our evolution have stopped. Kind of.

Let the smart ones be smart. They are our future! Not young adults that drinks and go to parties every weekend, and spend all their money on useless stuff.

Then a random picture of my Griffindor teacup and drawingboard pen. Lol

Q: What`s your opinion?
Q: Do you like the blog? Or is it just useless?

//Luna ♥♥ Stay tuned and smart.

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